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new life

This is full and full imaginary story .this story based on  how to a middle class boy face the struggles in his own life. In our life gives various parts of the unpleasant situation. who’s  are overcome that situation those are choose to became a  leader.           
                             “Leaders are chooses in failures.’’                         

outlook :A middle class boy how to overcome the love failure’s and life struggles 
between his goals

                                           One of the rural area in Tamil Nadu were  offspring was born between the poor family. Then the family don’t know ours child is one of the great legent in future. The name of child was adin after one year adin started his education life. Their parents were in  tears of joy but adin was very happy because he met his new friends. And adin education days are going with joyful but it didn’t last long.                   Suddenly his father was death. In this stage. The adin taste a first spoon of the problem. one by one problems starts in adin’s life. The first death he saw in his life her father’s death. When adin was five years old boy. 
The days are moves slowly. After five years the adin’s was ten years old boy. He started his pre mature life. he did not focus on studies he hang around his friends,                         speak a bad words, he didn’t give respect for others, he go to the others fights, because he got low marks in exam. Their parents has threatening him but he has no responsibilities. The days are go on just then he  saw a one girls and he falling love with her. adin loves her and her name is pooja and she have one sister. adin thinks sometime he should tell her about his love but he couldn’t tell about is love because of fear. Days are go on after three years. Still adin loves pooja. One day pooja was love with another person. This matter reached adin’s  ears. So he was very depressed and feel like a lonely

 he had not eaten properly for a week and he was depressed. And even exams are coming and also adin failure in their exams and somehow he finished his study. After he join upper secondary studies with his love failures thoughts. This days also go on. only and one care always by his grandmother. One day adin met is grandmother after meet his grandmother he return back his house. After few days one call by his grandmother’s house. Suddenly adin’s grandmother also dead. Adin,s  was more mentally affected. He love his father he also gone too, he loves pooja she also gone too, he loves his grandmother her also gone too, so the adin was mentally affect by with his problem

so adin get low marks in upper studies exams. So adin decides suicide  attempt but adin doesn’t do that because adin have big aim.  Adin  somehow finished his school. After adin do  higher studies. Adin have totally change from his past to present.  He is missbehaviour person in his past but now he is perfect and his collages life move smoothly. But adin didn’t forgot his unpleasant past days. And one girl enter into the aidn’s life. the girl name was sushi. Both are close together and adin ask his doubt for sushi. In a weekends both are dating together. Suddenly sushi told about his love from adin. Adin was shocked because this is the first proporsal  to adin. And adin was accepted sushi’s love and now both are loving  together and adin’s love journey move smootly       
after both are completed our collages. And her groom is looking after her at her house. This matter go to adin’s ears. Adins thinks tell about our love in sushi’s houses. But in sushi home mates can’t accepted our love. Because adin have doesn’t job. But the groom she saw at home was in good service. At the same time sushi knowing this matter, she live it our love cleverly. Adins was very very accepted and also he faced a great loss in her life. while he was on is way to his home in the same tragedy, a roadside preacher asked him what was the matter. “Adins said”, I have been watching since childhood no one likes me for long days. “The preacher said”,  wrote a book for you and published it to the world. Adins said” for what?  The preacher said’’ that after writing you will know that whatever you behind will come back to you. After that things in his hands to the preacher and went to his house. After adin went is house adin was very accepted. Adin try to suicide attempt but couldn’t do that. In the same tragedy adin started to write a story but nothing was right for him so. He wrote the story about what happened in his life. He also gave a title to the story he wrote. The title name was  “LIFE’S MOVES various parts”. He wrote the story for two months after he published his story. No one response for his story. The days was passing and he was still thinking about the memories that happened to him and did not come out of it. One day a mail arrived at his house and one of them write his phone number. adin didn’t understand anything. The adin take the phone number and adin calling that numer. In the phone one voice is come “hell0 adin”. Adin said who r u. 



  1. Bro please continue fast I cant wait to see the another half of the story


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